Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Print Week 3

Group Feedback Notes

During this week we had more time to practice the skills learnt in print so far, and develop them further. A new technique learnt was Heatfix paper. This is a good method to use as I felt it forced me to build up layers in my prints, as it acted as a base of colour. For my prints I did not want to make them to busy, thinking about them as interior designs, also my colour palette mood. I did not want to clutter the prints with colour and make them look chaos.

During peer reviews, it was said that my prints and the colour mood was calming, which is something I think is fitting with my context, if it was not calming it would not be suitable. 

Dan Hallett

I feel these two artists prints link well to my style of work. As they are quite spaced out and not too complex of a design. Though still quite stunning.

Schatzi Brown

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Print Week 2

Photoshop Print

First Print Samples 

During the second week on Print we was introduced to the print room. Using our motifs we printed them onto acetate and was able to get them exposed onto the screens. I am really enjoying the Print rotation I feel as though I am learning a lot, in both the Digital lessons and Practical lessons. I am enjoying the technique. Below is a photo of Kim Parker's Design this is how I would like to see my prints, as interior design ideas like Bed covers, Pillows etc. The print of Kim Parker's is similar to mine also as the motifs are all spaced out separately and not touching.

Kim Parker 'Wild Roses' Hand Embroidered Bedspread

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Print Week 1

During the First week of Print we have been generating motifs from our drawings from feedback week. During feedback week I focused on natural objects like flowers and shells. This week I focussed on just flowers alone. We were to use black media only and try creating linear and silhouette shapes from our imagery. This was fairly easy to do so after a while got quite boring. Later on in the week though we were introduced to a different technique on illustrator which I enjoyed because this enabled me to transform the motifs I already had and manipulate them and play around with patterns etc. My favourite part of the week was the colour task. I really enjoyed focusing on the colour and really pulling out colours that are not so noticeable at a first glance, I found this task very relaxing and therapeutic.  

Example of the Motifs created 

Monday, 12 January 2015


Map of Liverpool and Places Visited

Over the Christmas Holiday we were set the task to go to London but due to the cost it was not possible to go at this time so went somewhere more local which I have not explored. I took a trip to Liverpool, the visit was good as it was nice to see what else is out there and get new ideas. Liverpool as a place is not one in which I have really been so to get to know the place was really good too. 

Mixed Media Week 3

Final Sample

Final Sample

During the third week of Mixed Media we had time to book onto the laser cutter to create a final sample. Using the work and experimenting I had done already I though it was best suited to a subtle relief surface. I wanted to create a relief surface to create a piece of art for a gallery rather than interior design. I felt my work was more suited as a piece on its own rather than being a pattern for an object, like a cushion or lampshade. Artist Anne Kyyro Quinn inspires me as their work large scale as a piece of work to display in a gallery, home etc.  

Though the laser cutter is fun to work with I thought more enjoyment using illustrator than the laser cutter itself, this is because for me the laser cutter was a lot of waiting around for it to finish and felt I could be using the time more effectively. My final sample work well, there was no problems with the laser cutter, though the material I used could of been better and it became too delicate when finished on the laser, so using a thicker material next time would work better. 

To the end of week we were asked to illustrate our work and through the image tell a story how we got to our final sample. I found this task enjoyable, though was tricky. I found that to get a good photo, it took a lot of time and effort, moving things around several times and getting a good angle to take a photo. Also thinking about composition, as I did not want to over crowed the space, thinking what was important to show and thinking of new ways to display them was a struggle. But found planning this out fist made in easier.